First prototype of VisITMeta available

The first prototype version of VisITMeta has been released by the Trust@FHH research group via Github.

The main features in this version are:

  • A dataservice component, that connects to a MAP server and records all metadata on a subscription

  • It provides the metadata to other clients via a REST-like interface

  • A visualization component, that renders the metadata via Piccolo2D and JUNG2

  • The GUI supports browsing the history of the metadata via a slider mechanism

  • Changes to the metadata are highlighted with colors

More features and functionality (as well as overall stability) will come in the future, as the project is evolving.

For more information on VisITMeta in general, see the project page on our website or contact us via

04 Jul 2013

Trust@FHH participated at the TCG Members Meeting in Dublin

The Trust@FHH research group participated at the Members Meeting of the Trusted Computing Group, that took place from June 25th to 27th in Dublin.

Prof. Dr. Josef von Helden presented the current status of our different OpenSource software and introduced VisITMeta and ironcontrol (a new Android-based IF-MAP tool, developed during a 1-year student project; will be released soon) to the public.

During a live demo, he showed how our several IF-MAP based tools can be used in a combined scenario.

The slides, including a overview of the demo environment, are available in our Publications section.

01 Jul 2013

irondemo - a set of scripts to create your own iron* demo environment (now available)

Today we released a new project on Github, called irondemo.

irondemo is a set of shell and Perl scripts as well as some resources, to build a environment containing our IF-MAP based software from scratch.

In contrast to our the demonstration environment we released last year, irondemo is not a ready-to-use virtual machine, but a toolset with which one can setup a environment based on the latest versions of our software on a system of their own.

The prerequisites are that you must have Git, a Java JDK (1.7) and Maven 3 installed.

At the moment, the following iron* software components are part of irondemo:

  • ifmapj
  • ifmapj-examples
  • ifmapcli
  • irond
  • irongui
  • irondetect
  • irondhcp
  • ironvas
  • VisITMeta

To use irondemo, simply download it via Git and run the first two scripts in the scripts directory; you will end up with compiled versions of our software within the sources folder.

irondemo supports Linux and Mac OS X at the moment (we will change the existing Shell scripts to Perl in the future to also support Windows system).

Please refer to the README for further information, or contact us via

27 Jun 2013

Launch of new research project CLEARER

We can proudly announce the start of our new research project “CLEARER: Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) für Klein- und Mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU)”. SIMU started on October 1st and will be completed in September 2015.

The goal of SIMU is the development of a SIEM system that utilizes novel network security approaches to meet the specific requirements of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) like ease of integration, small administrative effort and cost effectiveness.

SIMU will benefit from the experiences that we and our partners DECOIT GmbH, macmon and ISW have gathered during the [ESUKOM][5] research project. The IF-MAP based software developed during the ESUKOM project will be extended and enhanced to create more sophisticated tools that allow for better automation and address the limited possibilities of SMEs in security expert knowledge and resources.

The SIMU research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, FKZ: 16KIS0045).

01 Jun 2013

URL for Trust@FHH website has changed!

The URL for the website of the Trust@FHH reserach group has changed.

The new URL is, while our old URL will redirect to this URL.

From now on we will publicize the new one, changing all links within our software and documentation over time.

06 May 2013

New unified build-process for iron*-software and move to Github

From today, our iron-software uses a unified build process by using Maven instead of a wild mix of different build tools.

As all projects now are structured (mostly) the same, we also decided to move all sourcecode over to our Github account.

Software available via Github

This includes all of the following software:

  • irond
  • ifmapj
  • ifmapj-examples
  • ifmapcli
  • irongui
  • irondhcp
  • ironvas

Updated version numbers

We also updated the version numbers of our software as the following:

  • irond: 0.3.4 to 0.4.0
  • ifmapj: 0.1.4 to 0.1.5
  • ifmapj-examples: 0.1.4 to 0.1.5
  • ifmapcli: 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
  • irongui: 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
  • irondhcp: 0.3.0 to 0.3.1
  • ironvas: 0.1.0 to 0.1.1

Changes to software

Some of our software also got some new features with the new released version:

  • irond, ifmapj and ifmapj-examples now include experimental support for IF-MAP 2.1.
  • ifmapcli: new tool to publish <request-for-investigation>-metadata between a device and an IP adress (can be used pretty fine together with ironvas Subscriber functionality :-) )
  • ifmapcli, irongui, irondhcp and ironvas now use ifmapj v0.1.5

New distribution strategy

So, our new distribution strategy/process will look like this:

  • all sourcecode is now available via Github
  • every release will be assigned a tag on its corresponding Github repostory, beginning with these initial releases
  • the current binary distributions of all software will be hosted on this website via the download section
  • all prior binary distributions will be available via the archive in the download section

Note: to get any iron* project to work, just download it from Github and run $ mvn package; it will create a source and a bundle-archive in the target directory. The bundle-archive is ready to go if you unzip it and run the contained jar-archive with $ java -jar <archive>.jar.

If there are any comments or errors within the software or the move to Github, please feel free to contact us via

18 Apr 2013

Trust@FHH launches new website

The new website of the Trust@FHH research group is now online.

We switched from our old Joomla-based system to a new one that is based on Jekyll. Together with a much more convenient way for us to create content and manage our website, it comes with a new and very slim design, that emphasizes our news and the stuff that’s important.

Also, we now have an Archive section that holds all news (including the ones from our old system) in a chronological order.

The menu structure of the main page is mostly the same as it was, but we got rid of some unneccessary sub menus.

Our contact information, together with links to our external appearances like Google+, Twitter and Youtube, is now shown on the right side on every page. The same applies to our projects like tnc@fhh, iron or VisITMeta, as they are also reachable via the logos on the left side.

If you find any broken links or missing items (downloads, …), please feel free to contact us via

17 Apr 2013

Trust@FHH participates at TNC Spring Plugfest 2013 in Darmstadt

The Trust@FHH research group participated at the TNC Spring Plugfest 2013, which was hosted by Fraunhofer SIT in Darmstadt, from April 2nd till April 4th. We had a great time inter-connecting our IF-MAP based software with the components and products of other TCG members.

On our side, we tested the following components:

  • irond 0.3.4
  • ironvas 0.1.0
  • VisITMeta (alpha, will be released this or next month)
  • irongui 0.4.0
  • ifmapcli 0.2.1 (pre-release)

Integration with most products (such as Infoblox’s MAP server IBOS) went flawlessly. We however were able to also detect some cases where interoperability of the products could still be enhanced. Juniper Networks and us are investigating those cases right now.

04 Apr 2013
Hochschule Hannover
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty IV, Dept. of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
30459 Hannover, Germany