New version of ifmapj and ifmapj-examples

The new version 0.1.3 of ifmapj and ifmapj-examples are now available. The most relevant changes are:

  • Fixed typo ‘disoverer-id’ in standard metadata factory
  • Updated testing keystore
  • Fix Device identifier parsing
  • Introduce ifmapj.communication.verifypeercert and ifmapj.communication.verifypeerhost system properties

ifmapj is an IF-MAP client library that eases development of IF-MAP clients. You can find the latest release in our download section.

12 Dec 2011

Public Trust@FHH Redmine is online

The public redmine of the Trust@FHH research group is now online. Just follow this link ( or the link in the side menu. The redmine contains Wikis for the different projects as well as Issue Tracker.

08 Dec 2011

tnc@fhh is now on Github

The tnc@fhh software package and the additions/changes (“patches”) to FreeRADIUS to support

  1. the current tnc@fhh Server,
  2. XACML evaluation by our Trust@FHH XACML PDP and
  3. two inner authentication methods inside of EAP-TTLS

are now available at Github (account trustatfhh).

The FreeRADIUS patches, that were bundled with prior versions of tnc@fhh are now separated within a “fork” of the original FreeRADIUS server and can only be loaded via Github. Old versions can still be found via the Download area and the “Archive” links, but newer version will only be made available via Github.

Git download links:

  • tnc@fhh: <git://>

  • FreeRADIUS server with patches: <git://>

17 Nov 2011

Trust@FHH XACML PDP is now on Github

From today, the Trust@FHH XACML PDP is available at Github -> Check it out via git://

The next step will be the release of tnc@fhh on Github, so that collaboration will be much easier.

19 Oct 2011

irond 0.2.4

A new version of the irond server is available for download.

The following changes have been made:

  • Adapt the construction of PollResults to what will be expected from the Specification. Most recent metadata comes last in PollResult. This involved quite some changes.

  • Refactoring of the SubscriptionService while changing the ordering of metadata.

  • Updated log4j httpcore libraries.

  • Fixed a bug where the searcher failed if two different links produced the same hashCode().

  • Bugfix: Searcher would not traverse links already traveled, even if the depth was smaller than in the first round. This could occur with circles in the MAP graph.

  • Bugfix: Remove illegal subscription update optimization.

14 Oct 2011

Trust@FHH XACML PDP version 0.4 released

A new version 0.4 of the Trust@FHH XACML PDP has been released and is available in the download section. The main change was the addition of functionaliy to dynamically update policies. Changes on existing policies in a given directory as well as new policy files or deleted policy files will be detected. Check the readme or wiki for the slightly changed usage of the Trust@FHH XACML PDP.

19 Sep 2011

irondhcp 0.2.1 released

We made a small bugfix release of irondhcp that addresses some minor bugs in the parsing of the leases files. The new version 0.2.1 is now available for download.

13 Sep 2011

irongui 0.3.0 released

A new version of our irongui vizualisation tool is now available for download.

The following changes/updates have been made:

  • Fixed a bug where delete anomalies could occur under certain conditions (overlapping subscriptions).
  • Multi value data should now be shown correctly.
  • Certain tooltips have been reworked.
  • Directed lines have been replaced with Bezier curves.
  • Minor refactoring and some smaller bugfixes.
31 Aug 2011
Hochschule Hannover
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty IV, Dept. of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
30459 Hannover, Germany