Trust@FHH is now on YouTube

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Trust@FHH now has its own YouTube channel. We want to use it primarily for videos that introduce our open source software products. A first video that features our new IF-MAP 2.0 client ironvas is already available.

04 May 2012

Now available "ifmapcli - a set of IF-MAP command line tools".

The first release of ifmapcli our IF-MAP command line tools for Java, is now available for download. ifmapcli enables you to simulate the behaviour of MAP clients by using simple command line tools. You can find further information and a first how to in our wiki.

03 May 2012

irond 0.3.2 released

A new version of our IF-MAP 2.0 server irond is now available for download. The new release includes the following changes:

  • performance tweaks for better scaling when large amounts of metadata objects (millions) are published
  • a configuration option to enable/disbale some sanity checks - disabling further improves performance
  • updated keystore that now includes the default certificate for ironvas

If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at

02 May 2012

New IF-MAP client "ironvas"

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Today we’re proud to announce the release of a new IF-MAP client: ironvas. ironvas is an IF-MAP 2.0 client that can publish vulnerability reports generated by OpenVAS to an IF-MAP server. It is written in Java and Scala. Future versions will provide subscribe functionality (trigger OpenVAS via IF-MAP) and the possibility to filter vulnerabilites, depending on their risk factor. Further information about installation and usage can be found in our Redmine and the Readme-file within the distribution packages. You can find the current version in the download section.

17 Apr 2012

VisITMeta, a new research project has started

We’re proud to announce the start of a new research project within our Trust@FHH group: VisITMeta

VisITMeta stands for “Visualizing the security of modern IT infrastructures based on metadata” - or “Visualisierung der Sicherheit moderner IT-Infrastrukturen auf der Basis von Metadaten” as its original german title. It will be based on our experience with irongui, our tool to visualizie IF-MAP metadata of any IF-MAP server, and will enhance its functionality with more sophisticated features for handling and rendering large metadata graphs, including history functionality.

The project is funded by the german Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, FKZ17PNT032) and has started on April 1st, 2012.

Information can be found within this website’s project section, which will be updated throughout the next 3 years.

16 Apr 2012

Trust@FHH will attend the ACM HotMobile 2012

We are excited to attend the ACM HotMobile Workshop 2012 in San Diego to present our poster on “Trustworthy Anomaly Detection for Smartphones”. The accepted abstract and the final poster will be made available for download after the conference.

27 Jan 2012

irond 0.3.0 released

The new version 0.3.0 of our IF-MAP server irond is now available. This versions includes pretty nice enhancements, such as:

  • support for raw logging of requests/responses
  • configurable validation of XML schema
  • performance boost when dealing with large graphs and complex subscriptions

You can find the binary and the source archives in our download section.

22 Dec 2011

irongui 0.3.1 released

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The new version 0.3.1 of irongui is now available for download. It provides numerous bugfixes and some new nice features you might want to have a look at.

We made quiet a lot of bugfixes in this release. However, you will likely encounter undesired behaviour if you stress irongui too much. The following new features are now supported:

Connection Management Dialog alternate text

Treeview Based Browsing alternate text

Note: There are some known issues with the Subscribe panel in this version. We are working on a quick fix.

19 Dec 2011
Hochschule Hannover
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty IV, Dept. of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
30459 Hannover, Germany