Android Usage Study

How do we use our beloved smartphones? To answer this question, the Trust@FHH group has developed the FHH Device Analyzer app for Android. The purpose is to collect both static and dynamic data on Android based smartphones. We aim to use this data to train an Intrusion Detection System that is currently in development.

If you want to learn more about the project, please visit the following wiki pages:

Any contribution is greatly appreciated!

08 Aug 2012

Talk given at the TCG Members Meeting 2012, Madrid

Prof. Dr. Josef von Helden from the Trust@FHH team gave a talk on our current Research projects and developments of our Open Source software within the scope of IF-MAP at the Trusted Computing Group Members Meeting in Madrid, Spain on June 20th 2012. He also demonstrated some of our software in a (scripted) live demo. The talk is available as a free download within our Publications section.

02 Jul 2012

First version of a demonstration environment of our iron*-software released

Today we released the first version of a Trust@FHH iron demonstration environment. The environment consists of a Virtual Box Appliance that holds a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit system with X-server, GNOME and Virtual Box guest additions, as well as some of our iron software in a “ready-to-use” state. The iron software that comes along is:

  • irond 0.3.2
  • irongui 0.4.0
  • ifmapcli-tools
  • some scripts for use with ifmap-cli
  • a how_to.txt residing on the Desktop

The username and password are both “irondemo”.

As this is the first version, we are really glad for any feedback regarding things that won’t work at all or don’t work as you would expected them. The appliance can be found in our Downloads section.

02 Jul 2012

Trust@FHH is now on Google+ and Twitter

From now on you can contact and/or follow us via Google+ and Twitter.

29 Jun 2012

New video introducing irongui 0.4.0

We have published our second YouTube video. This time, it covers the latest version 0.4.0 of our IF-MAP visualization client irongui. Enjoy!

</param></param></param></embed> 08 Jun 2012

irongui 0.4.0 released

The new version 0.4.0 of irongui is now available. Changes include

  • irongui is now limited to one subscription to avoid confusion of metadata from multiple subscriptions
  • added menu panel
  • toolbar-panel rework
  • new icons for dialogs
  • inks on logos readded
  • connection-dialog rework
  • tab-header rework
  • about dialog
  • some minor fixes

Please visit the downloads section to grab the binary or source archives. Please keep in mind that irongui is a prototype implementation. There are likely a number of bugs in it that we are not aware of. Please let us know if you encounter any issues.

06 Jun 2012

ironvas 0.0.5 released

The new version 0.0.5 of our IF-MAP 2.0 client ironvas has been released today and is available for download. The new release includes the following changes:

  • ironvas as a Subscriber:
    • ironvas subscribes to request-for-investigation metadata in the MAPS
    • ironvas creates new targets and tasks for new devices in OpenVAS and starts them
    • ironvas deletes tasks/targets when request-for-investigation metadata is removed in the MAPS
  • Certificate based authentication
  • Supports a configurable filter mechanism to publish vulnerabilites based on their CVE significance values
  • Supports PublishUpdate- and PublishNotify-operations to publish vulnerabilities to the MAPS
  • Some bug fixes

In the near future we will also upload a new video to our Youtube account with a little demonstration of the new subscription features. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at

05 Jun 2012

VisITMeta was presented at the 6th ESUKOM Workshop in Nuremberg

At the 6th workshop of the ESUKOM project, the ideas and goals of VisITMeta were presented to the project members.

As they all were quite familiar with IF-MAP and our current IF-MAP GUI irongui, they delivered good and early feedback, on what will be the roadmap for the next 3 years within VisITMeta.

During the project, there will be many occasions where the current status of VisITMeta will be presented to IF-MAP users/developers, to get as much feedback as possible.

30 May 2012
Hochschule Hannover
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty IV, Dept. of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
30459 Hannover, Germany