Student project on VisITMeta has finished successfully

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The student project on VisITMeta that startet in September 2012 has finished successfully.

Within the project, the basis implementation for VisITMeta could be developed, as well as some ideas on the features and functionality generally planned for VisITMeta.

Based on a strong cohesion and loose coupling of the different modules and layers of the underlying architecture, several libraries were used to build a prototype version of the VisITMeta software:

  • ifmapj (available at our Github account) for all IF-MAP related logic, mainly communicating with a MAP server and processing subscription results
  • neo4j as a database for storing the received IF-MAP metadata
  • JUNG 2 for generating layouts of metadata graphs
  • Piccolo 2D to render the previously generated layouts

The software defines the necessary interfaces between all components as well as a first version of an internal data model that can be used to store the history of IF-MAP metadata.

The outcome of this student project will be used to develop the features described on the VisITMeta project page on this website, and therefore will be released via Github likely in May 2013 for public evaluation and use.

21 Feb 2013

Ingo Bente and Jörg Vieweg leave the Trust@FHH team

As the new year starts, our team size at the Trust@FHH research was reduced, as both of our long standing researchers Ingo Bente and Jörg Vieweg have left the team.

Thanks to both of you, Ingo and Jörg, for your hard work and great efforts to first create and then establish the Trust@FHH research group. Without acquiring the funding for our first two research projects tNAC and ESUKOM, our group wouldn’t exist. Furthermore, you helped to get known within the Trusted Computing Group and their subgroups for Trusted Network Connect and IF-MAP.

So, again, thanks buddies and good luck on your further life. You will be missed among the whole team :-)

01 Jan 2013

irond got certified by TCG

This is great news! Our IF-MAP server irond got certified by the Trusted Computing Group. Certification was achieved by successfully passing a compliance testsuite for IF-MAP and by participating in this year’s summer TNC PlugFest. Read the full article for further information.

15 Nov 2012

Demonstrator of ESUKOM project results available

As a result of the ESUKOM project, which ended September 2012, a demonstrator is now available on the official website. It consists of a “Best Practice” document and 5 videos, showcasing the problem statement and solutions within the ESUKOM project.

15 Nov 2012

ironvas 0.1.0 released

We’re proud to announce the release of the next version of ironvas. The new features of ironvas in version 0.1.0 are:

  • dynamically configure and run OpenVAS via subscriptions within ironvas (ironvas will create new targets and tasks for new devices, when <request-for-investigation> is attached to them by a configured PDP)
  • define filter in JavaScript to limit the vulnerabilities that will be published by ironvas (i.e. depending on risk level, or on substrings of the name of the NVE, …)

ironvas can be downloaded from our Download section. We have also created a new video at our Youtube-channel, showing the new features of ironvas 0.1.0

</param></param></param></embed> 30 Oct 2012

Best Paper Award

We are pleased to announce, that we received the Best Paper Award for our paper “Trustworthy Context-related Anomaly Detection for Smartphones”. The paper has been presented at the 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2012) in Melbourne, Australia.

08 Oct 2012

Student project on VisITMeta has started

As a part of our master course of studies in Applied Computer Science, a new student project based on VisITMeta started on September 14th, 2012 at Hochschule Hannover.

Goals of the project

The main goal of this project is to build the general basis implementation for the VisITMeta project, with respect to a clean and structured architecture and code, that is documented well.

General information about the project

  • Type: Research project of master students
  • Start: September 2012
  • Duration: 1 term (until mid-February 2013)
  • Team: 7 master students (3 specializing in Graphics and Visualization and 4 in Secure Information Systems), 1 research associate and 2 professor acting as advisors
14 Sep 2012

VisITMeta at final ESUKOM workshop

On the final ESUKOM workshop, held at the Hochschule Hannover, the progress in VisITMeta was presented to the members of the ESUKOM project.

We showed some some conceptual slides of how the different visual features of VisITMeta might look like, and so did have a good basis for further discussions.

12 Sep 2012
Hochschule Hannover
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty IV, Dept. of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
30459 Hannover, Germany