Hochschule Hannover

Trust@HsH is a research group at the Hochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lower Saxony, Germany. We do research in the field of IT security and machine learning.

Our research is centered around the detection of anomalies and intrusions within complex systems. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, we aim to identify patterns that may signify security breaches or malicious activities.

The focus of our research lies on anomaly and intrusion detection on cyper-physical system(s) (CPS). We aim to detect anomalies and advanced persistant threat(s) (APT) through the application of graph neural network(s) (GNN).

For more information check out one of our projects on the left side or visit our publications.

Trust@Hsh was formerly included in the research cluster Smart Data Analytics. Since May 2023 we are member of the research institute Data-H at the Hochschule Hannover.

For further information, feel free to contact us via trust-at-hsh@listserv.dfn.de.

Hochschule Hannover
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Faculty IV, Dept. of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120
30459 Hannover, Germany