Leonard Renners and Bastian Hellmann leave the Trust@HsH Team
An era is coming to an end! Bastian Hellmann, the longest standing member and only remaining employee of the initial Trust@FHH research group is leaving the team. Bastian has been part of most research projects since 2008 and was a defining factor in the activities of our group.
Furthermore, Leonard Renners, who joined the group in 2014 is also finishing his research activivies and leaves the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover. Leo has likewise been a long standing member and was involved in most of the recent activities.
This will be our final news, but we are glad to know that the GLACIER project just started and that with June 1st new members can continue the research activities at the HsH. We are happy to pass the baton on to the new generation of employees.
Finally, we would like to thank all former members as well as the former and current group lead for the wunderful time in this research group - we wish you all the best!
See you around