Launch of new research project CLEARER
We can proudly announce the start of our new research project “CLEARER: Erfüllung von Compliance‐Anforderungen durch automatisierte Bearbeitung von IT-Sicherheitsvorfällen”. CLEARER started on May 1st and will be completed in April 2018.
The goal of CLEARER is the development of a SIEM system with an automatic integration of compliance requirements into it. It will utilize novel network security approaches and distributive computing to meet the specific requirements of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) like ease of integration, small administrative effort and cost effectiveness.
CLEARER will benefit from the experiences that we and our partners DECOIT GmbH, IT-Security@Work GmbH and macmon secure GmbH have gathered during our previously security research projects. The IF-MAP based software developed during the SIMU project will be extended and enhanced to create more sophisticated tools that allow for better automation and address the limited possibilities of SMEs in security expert knowledge and resources.
The CLEARER research project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in the range of the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (BMWi, FKZ: ZF4202902HB6).
20 Jun 2016