Big update to VisITMeta - Release of 0.5.0
After months of internal development we are proud to release the new version 0.5.0 of our IF-MAP visualization software VisITMeta.
It features the following changes:
- Multiple subscriptions: the dataservice now supports multiple subscriptions to a single MAP server. It also handles when the same information is gathered via two or more subscriptions at the same time
- New connection handling: the Visualization client now features a new representation of all connection-based settings (connections to VisITMeta dataservices, connections to MAP servers, and subscriptions), allowing managing them as well (add new, edit and delete existing, starting/stopping subscriptions, …).
- Filter in REST API: the REST API now supports filters in the style of IF-MAP filters like match-links or result-filter; they can be used when querying for a graph at a given timestamp
- Error dialogs: (most) errors - both on dataservice side as well as on GUI side - are now shown via basic dialogs
- Minor fixes and enhancements: selected nodes can now correctly be “unselected”, we added a new style for Identifier information, and much refactoring of the code
The new overview of connections to VisITMeta dataservices and IF-MAP servers, as well as the configured and active subscriptions can be seen in the screenshot.
Also a new compact representation of Identifier nodes is shown, that uses up to 2 lines of information.
The sourcecode is available at Github on the projects repository page.
24 Jul 2015