First version of a demonstration environment of our iron*-software released
Today we released the first version of a Trust@FHH iron demonstration environment. The environment consists of a Virtual Box Appliance that holds a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit system with X-server, GNOME and Virtual Box guest additions, as well as some of our iron software in a “ready-to-use” state. The iron software that comes along is:
- irond 0.3.2
- irongui 0.4.0
- ifmapcli-tools
- some scripts for use with ifmap-cli
- a how_to.txt residing on the Desktop
The username and password are both “irondemo”.
As this is the first version, we are really glad for any feedback regarding things that won’t work at all or don’t work as you would expected them. The appliance can be found in our Downloads section.
02 Jul 2012